Lecture | October 7 | 10:30-11:30 a.m. |  Zoom Livestream | Note change in date

 Catherine Ceniza Choy, Professor Ethnic Studies and Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice in UC Berkeley’s Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS)

 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

Join OLLI @Berkeley on Friday, Oct. 7, 10:30-11:30 AM (PT) for a talk by Berkeley professor Catherine Ceniza Choy who will discuss her new book, Asian American Histories of the United States, published by Beacon Press in their ReVisioning History series.

Choy will explore the nearly 200-year history of Asian migration, labor, and community formation in the US. Despite significant Asian American breakthroughs in American politics, arts, and popular culture in the 21st century, a profound lack of understanding of Asian American history permeates American culture.

She'll also trace how anti-Asian violence, the erasure of Asian American contributions, and Asian American resistance to what has been omitted are prominent themes.

Choy is a professor of ethnic studies and an associate dean of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice at UC Berkeley. She is the author of the books Empire of Care about Filipino nurse migration and Global Families about Asian international adoption in the US. Connect with her on Twitter @CCenizaChoy.

This talk is part of OLLI @Berkeley's America's Unfinished Work series, featuring influential figures engaged in the examination and eradication of systemic racism to create a more humane, just and equal society.

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 Nancy A Murr, Communications Manager, OLLI, 1796 Woodhaven Way, Oakland, CA 94611, berkeley_olli@berkeley.edu, (510) 642-9934

 Nancy Murr,  berkeley_olli@berkeley.edu,  510-642-9934

Event Date
Date Changed
Primary Event Type
Zoom Livestream
Catherine Ceniza Choy (Speaker - Featured)
Event ID