Seminar | August 31 | 3:10-4 p.m. | 340 Evans Hall

 Milind Hegde, Department of Mathematics, Columbia University

 Department of Statistics

The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation is a canonical non-linear stochastic PDE believed to describe the evolution of a large number of planar stochastic growth models which make up the KPZ universality class. A particularly important observable is the one-point distribution of its analogue of the fundamental solution, which has featured in much of its recent study. However, in spite of significant recent progress relying on explicit formulas, a sharp understanding of its upper tail behaviour has remained out of reach. In this talk we will discuss a geometric approach, related to the tangent method introduced by Colomo-Sportiello and rigorously implemented by Aggarwal for the six-vertex model. The approach utilizes a Gibbs resampling property of the KPZ equation and yields a sharp understanding for a large class of initial data.

Joint work with Shirshendu Ganguly.

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Event Date
Happening As Scheduled
Primary Event Type
340 Evans Hall
Milind Hegde, Department of Mathematics, Columbia University
Understanding the upper tail behaviour of the KPZ equation via the tangent method
Event ID