Seminar | April 19 | 4-5 p.m. | 1011 Evans Hall

 Xiaodong Li, UC Davis

 Department of Statistics

Estimation of signal-to-noise ratios and residual variances in high-dimensional linear models has important applications including heritability estimation in bioinformatics. Random effects likelihood estimators have been widely used in practice for SNR estimation, and it is known to be consistent when the model is misspecified. In this talk, we aim to investigate the conditions on both the design matrix and the coefficient vector, such that asymptotic behaviors for this SNR estimator can be explicitly derived. We will stress tools from random matrix theory and normal approximation of quadratic forms. For future work, extensions to method-of-moments, diverging aspect ratios, and linear models with feature groups will be briefly discussed. This is a joint work with my student Xiaohan Hu.

 CA,, 5102292370

 Nikita Zhivotovskiy,,  510-229-2370

Happening As Scheduled

Evans Hall

On Campus



Xiaodong Li

UC Davis

Event ID