March 14, 2018

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will hold a one-day meeting and webcast on "Improving Reproducibility by Teaching Data Science as a Scientific Process" on March 23, 2018. The meeting will bring together data scientists and educators in academia and industry to 1) discuss how data science can help understand and improve reproducibility of scientific research, and 2) learn about several courses and training offerings for reproducible data science.

The full website for the event is at:

The agenda for the event is at:  

Event details:

Hotel Shattuck Plaza
2086 Alston Way, Crystal Ballroom Section 2
Berkeley, CA 94704

March 23, 2018  9am – 4pm

Deborah Nolan

Professor Deborah Nolan of the Statistics Department, and a designer of Data 100, the core upper division class in the Division of Data Science, will participate in the meeting. 

Fernando Perez 

Fernando Perez of the Statistics Department,  who is currently co-teaching Data 100, will be presenting a talk entitled, “Teaching Reproducible Data Science: Lessons Learned from a Course at Berkeley”