Kimiko Ryokai and team awarded $1.29M to center Indigenous youth in museum spaces

School of Information: Nestled atop the sprawling Berkeley hills and on the ancestral land of the Chochenyo Ohlone stands the Lawrence Hall of Science, a place of scientific discovery and exploration. With opportunities to get up close and personal with animals, build and test inventions, and watch engaging 3D films, the Lawrence offers youth a chance to explore their STEM-related interests. However, one of the...

DJ Patil calls data scientists ‘a new kind of first responder’

On March 14, 2020, the United States was on the brink of a pandemic. Covid-19 had killed at least 60 people and two cruise ships with ill passengers were set to dock in San Francisco. That’s when DJ Patil received a call: How can data help California combat this? So the former White House chief data scientist put together a plan. His team acquired hospital...

Stuart Russell calls for new approach for AI, a ‘civilization-ending’ technology

Technology companies are racing to release increasingly powerful artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Some researchers claim this technology exhibits artificial general intelligence (AGI), a significant milestone where AI could independently learn and complete tasks like human beings. This technology has the power to change the world, said Stuart Russell, a UC Berkeley computer science professor and leading AI expert. It could improve quality of life for...

Tool helps experts, students assess ethics of data science work in society

Data science has unlocked new potential to help understand and address challenges like human health and climate change. But it can be challenging to know how to work ethically with data, especially when it has major impacts on society. Enter the Data Science Ethos tool by the Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA). The alliance’s package of research-backed guidance and case studies show how to embed...

From tort law to cheating, what is ChatGPT’s future in higher education?

Berkeley News: It passed the bar exam, first with a mediocre score and then with a ranking among the top tier of newly minted lawyers. It scored better than 90% of SAT takers. It nearly aced the verbal section of the GRE — though it has room for improvement with AP Composition. In the months since the machine-learning interface ChatGPT debuted, hundreds of headlines and...

CDSS seeks undergraduate student nominations for new advisory committee

UC Berkeley’s Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) is seeking undergraduate students to join a new advisory committee, the division announced today. The CDSS Undergraduate Advisory Committee will offer recommendations to the division on its operations, as it works to become the first new college at Berkeley in more than 50 years. Undergraduate student nominations, including self-nominations, are invited by April 11. “As...

As tech company layoffs continue, Berkeley advisors share advice with students

Thousands of UC Berkeley data science and computing students are preparing to graduate in May amidst a slew of technology company layoffs. Some are worried about finding a job. Berkeley advisors are urging expected graduates to take a beat and embrace a more nuanced job market view. They’re reminding students of what they have control over in their search and what they’ve already accomplished. And...

Look for ‘who’s not at the table’ and other advice from female data scientists

When Joyce Shen began teaching data science at UC Berkeley nearly a decade ago, she noticed a problem she’d also seen in industry. There were barely any women. The nascent data science field that would forever change how we live was being primarily developed by men, creating products that would shape society for decades. Today, due to intensive Berkeley recruitment efforts, she has seen the...

AI lectures at Berkeley to explore possibilities, implications of ChatGPT

Since its launch last November, the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT has been an international sensation, with people using the platform to do everything from writing essays, computer code, poems and research proposals to planning vacations, flirting with Tinder matches and creating malware. According to UC Berkeley computer scientist Ken Goldberg, the computer program’s facility with natural language — particularly its ability to consistently demonstrate creativity...

Hany Farid testifies on Section 230 for ‘Platform Accountability: Gonzalez and Reform’

On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, Hany Farid, professor in the UC Berkeley School of Information and Department of EECS testified at a hearing with the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law entitled: “Platform Accountability: Gonzalez and Reform.” In his testimony, Farid points out how a platform such as YouTube’s recommendation system can lead to misinformation, extremism, and...